Interschools Race 14 May 2017

69 racers in 10 teams and individual racers represented 21 primary and secondary schools at the SASA Interschools Race on 14 May at the Alpine Centre in Southampton.

Teams consisted of three or more racers in the primary or secondary category and the three best times from the three fastest racers in each team counted towards the team prize.

Skiers who were not able to find sufficient other skiers at their school raced for individual honours.

In the primary category,  St Marys Independent School (formerly know as Charlton House) came first for the third year in a row and Peter Symonds College took first place.

Individual honours went to Lucas Collyer-Todd and India Dusanjh-Auty in the primary category and Alfie Goss and April Arthur in the secondary category.

Full results can be found on the Race page:

Interschools Race 2017

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